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brand experience中文是什么意思

用"brand experience"造句"brand experience"怎么读"brand experience" in a sentence


  • 品牌体验


  • This new brand experience center was to be called the storehouse
  • Brand experience a development in history , and different persons have their own definition
  • In the intense market competition , brand experiences a process of birth , growth , maturity , and die
  • Attracting outstanding brand experience through detailed division of labor , the advantages of integrating market forces to select the best partners and subcontractors
  • The second proposal suggested , in lieu of the expansion , to adapt a vacant multi - story facility into a brand experience center for customers , employees , and city residents
  • The guinness brewing company engaged imagination , a london - based multidisciplinary design consultancy , to help guinness develop a new customer brand experience center
  • The centre will be the headquarters and official home of the nutrilite health institute ( nhi ) , serving as a health assessment , brand experience and education centre
  • The new artistry experience centre , located at the amway china manufacturing plant in guangzhou , opened in april and offers a range of comprehensive services including brand experience , beauty consultation and professional training
  • " the power of the nike brand rests on its ability to forge deep and genuine connections with our consumers through creating premier consumer experiences across footwear , apparel and equipment . nikebeijing will provide us with a great platform to connect with the chinese consumers through the nike brand experience , " mr keller continued
    他续说:耐克的品牌凝聚力乃透过其鞋履服装和运动用品,与客人建立深厚而真挚的联系, nikebeijing将成为品牌与中国消费者连系的重要平台,为他们带来耐克独有的品牌体验。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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